Modding updates
Today’s post covers some modding-related news that happened in the last weeks.
Official modding documentation
We’ve finally set up our brand new home for modding documentation.
Please welcome: No so much covered there yet, but we are constantly working on bringing new topics, guides, and reference documentation for you.
Also, if you feel like you could contribute to the docs, please give it a shot! You can suggest edits for specific pages (see that pencil icon at the top of every page?), or create completely new pages with new guides and manuals by cloning the backing repository and opening pull requests.
Community guides
Thank to amazing work of our community member scailman, we already have a few community made tutorials, very helpful for beginners in Voxel Tycoon modding:
- Creating your first building mod
- Creating your first locomotive mod
- Creating your first truck mod
- Animating locomotive rods
We also recommend to check mods made by scailman in the modding gallery - they are awesome!
Official mods
We love mods so much, so even created a couple by ourselves.
Of course, their main purpose is educational. Source code for our mods is now available on GitHub, along with samples from modding guides from the modding docs. Feel free to explore it!
#mods Discord channel
We’ve also set up a channel on our Discord Server that automatically lets members know when new mods get released or updated.
That’s it by now!
More modding-related updates are planned, so stay tuned! And please wishlist Voxel Tycoon on Steam, if you didn’t yet: